Saturday, November 21, 2009

Our Adoption is Finalized

     We had a wonderful time in Charlotte yesterday and today. We left yesterday around 12:30pm and made a few stops along the way, one of which was the Bass Pro Shop in Concord. We have been before and it's grand, but at Christmas time it was a little winter wonderland. They had toys they sell set up for the kids to test out, a coloring area, and of course Santa. We had the kids take a picture with Santa, they all did really well. We arrived at the hotel around 6pm, ate Chick-fil-a in our room and then went swimming. The kids had a blast swimming. John Mac loves the water. This morning we got up, ate breakfast, and headed for the Courthouse.
     There were a lot of people there and we got to visit with many of the CAS families and staff. They had a photographer taking pictures of the families, flowers for the moms and dads to wear, games for the kids,and of course food. We also sang Happy Adoption Day and they had a huge cake. There were 59 adoptions being finalized today. Children of all ages and from all over the world, it was truly a joyous day. The families went into the courtroom in 2 groups, our group went second. Judge Bell who is also an adoptive mother called each family up one by one and presented them with their adoption certificate and Decree of Adoption, and each child also got a little teddy bear. If you can believe it when we were called I did not cry. I had already cried early in the day and also a few times on Friday. It was very emotional just thinking about it all. John Mac fell asleep just before we went into the courtroom and he slept through the whole thing. It was so funny because a lot of the CAS babies fell asleep at the same time and we were all walking up with sleeping babies in our arms.
     The day was a wonderful experience and it has made me want to see if the courthouses around here do something similar. I would love to help at the event if they do. It was very rewarding. Oh, by the way, today is my Birthday! What a wonderful way to celebrate it!

Hanging Out in the Courthouse before we went into the Courtroom

Jim and Doris Woodard(CAS Founders/Directors) with John Mac

Sleeping Baby

In the Courtroom

Picture with Judge Bell

Little Man at Home doing the one handed stand


Jenny said...

It was such a special day, wasn't it!!! It was so great to see you all there! Your family is precious and I'm so glad I can keep up with you all through your blog!! Blessings!