We have had a wonderful Easter Day and weekend for that matter. We have been busy going from one event to the next, but we've kept the reason for Easter at the front of our mind and activities. Easter is truly a glorious season and looking at all the new life starting and budding around us is just another way God shows us his all mighty power. Here are a lot of pictures from the past few days. Enjoy!
Thursday, April 1: Amelia's party and egg hunt at Preschool
Saturday, April 3: Egg Hunt at Church and Egg Dying. We also did a egg hunt on Sat. evening at the neighbor's house, but I didn't take any picture there.
Sunday, April 4:
Look what the Easter Bunny brought!

Traditional Family Picture at Church on Easter Sunday......We usually take the picture with the stained glass windows and the beautiful pink flowering cherry tree in the background, but this year we're remodeling and adding onto our church so the windows are being cleaned and repaired and the lovely tree had to come down.

Lunch at Daniel's parents house and a egg hunt for the girls. John Mac was napping

Annual Easter Egg Hunt at my Aunt Mary Nell and Uncle Jerry's house
Cousin John with John Mac
Egg Hunt

All the Great Grand Children on my Dad's side. 9 Girls and 1 Boy! Amber was not there for the Egg Hunt, so she's the one missing.