Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mischief Abounds

    Last week John Mac started climbing out of his crib and usually he is loud and knocks on the door calling, "Mommy, Mommy" until I go get him.  Well, Saturday afternoon after his nap was a different story.  I thought he was asleep until I started hearing noise coming from his room that could not be made by things in his crib.  So I went in his room and found him on the changing table with all kinds of things opened and pulled apart.  He had pulled all the wipes out of the box, gotten out lots of Q-Tips, opened a pack of Go Fish cards that Amelia had left in his room, opened a zip lock bag with various baby items, and was taste testing the hand sanitizer.  Luckily he did not get the baby powder.  I ran and got the camera before I got him down.  He also had his sleeper half unzipped.  It was a PJ kind of day.  He was so proud of himself.  He must have pushed his firetruck up to the desk, pulled out the drawer, and climbed on up.  Too Funny!
    Then today Amelia had moved one of the kitchen chairs over the counter to help me make lunch.  Well, before we got started I went to change shirts and when I came back about 3 minutes later he had gotten a hold of the huge tub of peanut butter on the counter(it's so big it won't fit in the cabinet), opened it, and then used the gigantic spoon(spoon rest) to dip out his yummy treat.  I immediately started laughing, I could not scold him because it was just too darn cute!