Well, yesterday was not too different than many other Sundays for our house, but we did do some fun things, so I thought I'd share. We started our day with Sunday School and Church, but this Sunday we started something new before going to our SS class, we now have an assembly for about 15-20 minutes before SS starts on the 1st Sunday of each month. Daniel was asked to help lead the music by playing the guitar, he is helping the only other "Annice" I know, but she spells her name, "Annis". Funny. right? Anyway, they did a great job! After SS and a great sermon about Love we were treated to a Souper Bowl lunch by our PYC Kids (Presbyterian Youth Connection). The proceeds will help them go on a retreat this spring. Once we got home we had some straighten up the house time and then put John Mac down for a nap. Edi requested a family game of LIFE, so we played that together(gracious, that's a long game!). Once John Mac woke up from his nap we decided spend a little time outside since it was nice out. It was a little cool, but still we were able to enjoy some sunshine without the rain of late. John Mac enjoyed his tractor and the girls worked on their bike riding. We just do not have a great place to ride bikes, lots of grass and no concrete and no subdivision. After that we went in to get baths and Daniel decided that he wanted to cook on the grill for dinner instead of what I had planned and when the word steaks was mentioned, I was all in. So he went to the store while I gave the kids a bath. Edi usually takes a shower and Amelia has even started taking a shower with her, but when I mentioned a bubble bath they all wanted in the tub. After about 10 minutes in the tub the girls started screaming that John Mac had pooped in the tub; Oh No, Super Gross!!!! I put a towel on the floor and got them out and made them stand their in the cold until I could clean and drain the tub; and after a little gagging, new water, and new bubbles they were back to playing like it had never happened. Really Gross! After a great dinner, we got ready to watch the Super Bowl which we had paused while we ate. John Mac was down around 7:30pm, Amelia fell asleep on the couch about 8:30pm and Edi headed to bed after the halftime show. I clipped coupons and made my grocery list during the second half and was pleased when the Packers won. We are not big football fans and I usually choose the underdog to pull for when it's not the Panthers, so it was nice to pull for a winning team. I could not wait until later this week to watch the new Glee that came on after the Super Bowl, so I watched it last night and got to bed later than I had hoped. But that's ok, it was a great day with my family and Glee was really good! Love My Family and that Show!

Amelia's Preschool Class got the Attendance Award for February. They have 3 regulars in her class.