Last Saturday we celebrated Amelia's 5th birthday with family and friends. Her actual birthday isn't until later in the month, but unfortunately with our busy May calendar last Saturday was the only day we could squeeze it in. We had her party at a nearby park and invited friends from preschool and church, along with siblings and grandparents. Amelia chose a pink John Deere theme for her party and we had lots of fun. Guests we asked to bring no gifts but if they wanted to honor her birthday by bringing some thing then they could bring non-perishable food items for the local food bank. We collected 4 bags of items. She as able to open gifts from Granny, Granddaddy, Amber, and Dustin after her friends left, she got a lot of new clothes. After the party we went to a local restaurant that we all enjoy for dinner, both sets of grandparents and big, big sister Amber were able to join us. On her actual birthday she will receive her gifts from us and we will take her out for her dinner of choice. I used to cook their favorite meal on their birthday's but last year I decided we would start going out unless they chose to stay home. Going out to eat is a big deal at our house since it doesn't happen that often, so it's nice for them to get to choose on their birthday. We had a great time!
Lake Fun
9 years ago
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