Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Let there be FISH!!!

     A week or two ago my dad had a guy from the local pond and lake store come out to our family pond to do some testing and talk about stocking the pond with some more fish.  With the big rains we've had here this summer we had quit a few fish killed and some pond damage.  Anyway, he made some suggestions and my dad decided to put in some more bass and add some catfish, which he's never had before.  Well, last week the Fish Man came and brought 50 baby bass and 100 baby catfish.  The girls and I went down and took the 2 boys from next door, my niece was there, and 2 other little girls from down the road.  It was very educational and a lot of fun to watch.  The kids just loved the Fish Man and he engaged them so well in the process, telling them about the fish and making sure they named them all and kept them fed.  They just followed him around like little ducklings. 

Notice glow worm baby in Amelia's arms in this next picture!
Notice glow worn baby in Daddy Dent's hands dripping wet in this next one, she dropped him in the pond, but he still works, she was so upset!


Joy for the Seasons said...

That is so cool, Annice! And my little LOVES her Glo Worm too. :)